"Sylvia is nimbly portrayed by Kimberly Faye Greenberg as loving, yet with a ruthless edge. Greenberg sings beautifully, conveying Fine’s love for the mostly undisciplined Kaye along with her astute, apparently sharklike business aptitude.
"Kimberly Faye Greenberg not only resembles Fine, she radiates her fearlessness. Greenberg reveals heart beneath Fine’s heartlessness plus compassion for her comic-savant husband.”
"Kimberly Faye Greenberg has a strong comedic presence as songwriter Sylvia Fine, Kaye’s creative partner and eventual spouse and is an excellent match for Childers."
“Childers and Greenberg have good stage chemistry and both belt out the songs with gusto."
"Playing Sylvia Fine, Kaye’s steadfast and loving wife, Kimberly Faye Greenberg shone as the playful yet disciplined backbone to Danny Kaye’s funnyman routines. Fine was also the creator of some of his most renowned material."